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I'm a Student
Welcome! You belong here.
Looking for an Adult Friend who will be a good listener, nonjudgmental, supportive and helpful? Most teens are. We can help. ​
Are you...
Eager to have an Adult Friend in your life?
Open to exploring some deeper issues of life and faith?
Able to attend our scheduled meetings with your Adult Friend?​
Currently, we offer Friends in Faith at Bishop Ward High School in Kansas City, KS (two Thursdays a month) and at Cristo Rey High School in Kansas City, MO (two Wednesdays a month). Adult Friends meet with their Youth Friend for food and discussion. We hope to offer it at other schools soon. ​​
If you are interested, please fill out the form below!
10th grade boy
“I liked how I was able to have a conversation with someone and actually be listened to.”
11th grade girl
“I was hoping we do Friends in Faith more often. I actually really liked it and hope we can do it more often.”
11th grade girl
“I felt so comfortable and the game we played was fun. Made both of us really think and I loved the pizza.”
Want to be connected to an Adult Friend? Fill this out and we'll reach out to you.
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